Monday, March 2, 2009


El proyecto Immersion del fotoperiodista Robbie Cooper capta las expresiones faciales y reacciones que los niños tienen al jugar a videojuegos violentos.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

El Número de Oro; Phi; la Divina Proporción

Entre los esquemas compositivos más utilizados está la llamada Proporción Divina. Formulada de manera rigurosa por Luca Pacioli en su obra La divina proporción, era ya conocida de antiguo.

Fue definida por Euclides como «división de un segmento en su media y extrema razón». Es decir, los dos segmentos son entre ellos lo que el más grande es al todo. Su fórmula es:


por Juan García Gálvez

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Union Square Peeler Peddler Joe Ades

Photo by Marcos Aspiazu
Originally uploaded by maspiazu
The city lost one its quintessential characters Sunday when the enigmatic Joe Ades died after decades spent selling his $5 vegetable peelers at the Union Square Greenmarket, and other locations around town. Ades, born in Manchester, England, was an unavoidable and entertaining presence at Union Square, and eventually became something of a media darling for his loud, hypnotic patter; his distinctive suits; and his incongruous Park Avenue address.”

Joe Ades , The King of New York Hacks and a potato peeler!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

William Cullen Bryant Memorial, Bryant Park, NYC

William Cullen Bryant was the editor of the New York Evening Post in the nineteenth century and was a staunch campaigner for open space to be set aside in Manhattan for the enjoyment of all New Yorkers; Central Park, you will recall, was the result.
In 1884, New York City's Reservoir Square, at the intersection of 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue, was renamed Bryant Park in his honor.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Carolina Aviation Museum

Carolina Aviation Museum
Originally uploaded by maspiazu
Founded in 1991, the Carolinas Aviation Museum is operated by the Carolinas Historic Aviation Commission (CHAC). Dedicated to preserving the aviation heritage of both North and South Carolina, the Museum is located at the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport. The Museum is the premier aviation museum in the Carolinas. Over the past decade the museum has developed an impressive collection of over 45 major aircraft, and a wealth of other artifacts.